Parte II: Risultati della ricerca

Sezione D - Produzione scientifica

Sezione E - Internazionalizzazione

Sezione F - Docenti senza produzione scientifica

Sezione G - Bandi competitivi

Sezione H - Responsabilità e riconoscimenti scientifici

N.CognomeNomeTipo PremioNome PremioMotivazioneAnnoEnte AssegnanteNazione EntePubblicazione Premiata
1. BESIO Giovanni Premio al Prodotto Best Presentation Award, RCEM Conference, Beijing, China Best Presentation during the RCEM Conference 2011 IAHR NLD Besio G, Stocchino A (2011). Detection of Lagrangian Coherent Structures due to shallow water macrovortices in compound channels. In: Parker G, Garcia M. (a cura di): Parker G, Garcia M, Proc. Of 7th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. PECHINO:Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 06-08 September 2011
2. REPETTO Maria Pia Premio alla Persona Junior IAWE Award Dr. Maria Pia Repetto was awarded the IAWE Junior Award for her many contributions to the modeling of wind induced fatigue. Since the beginning of her scientific activities, she has carried out outstanding studies on wind engineering, with particular interest in the wind-induced dynamic response and fatigue of slender structures. She has also worked in the fields of wind climatology and forecast, and on the reliability analysis of structures and infrastructures. She has coordinated many wind engineering research projects, financed by public and private institutions. 2011 IAWE - International Association for Wind Engineering
3. SOLARI Giovanni Premio alla Persona Alan G. Davenport Medal Awarded “for his many contributions to the modelling of dynamic wind load effects on structures with applications to building structures” 2011 International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE) JPN