Parte II: Risultati della ricerca

Sezione D - Produzione scientifica

Sezione E - Internazionalizzazione

Sezione F - Docenti senza produzione scientifica

Sezione G - Bandi competitivi

Sezione H - Responsabilitą e riconoscimenti scientifici

N.CognomeNomeTipo PremioNome PremioMotivazioneAnnoEnte AssegnanteNazione EntePubblicazione Premiata
1. CESA-BIANCHI Nicolo' Antonio Premio alla Persona Xerox University Affairs Committee Award The research grants are part of Xerox's University Affairs Committee program, which aims to advance science, technology and management research by promoting interaction between Xerox researchers and their counterparts at universities. The grants are designed to stimulate basic academic research in technologies of long-term importance to Xerox. Students and faculty aren't required to deliver a specific result, nor is the work proprietary to Xerox. How grants are selected Any college or university is eligible for funding but cannot apply for it directly; instead, a Xerox scientist or researcher prepares and presents a proposal to the University Affairs Committee, which includes researchers from across Xerox. Awards are based on originality, technical merit, and quality of the researchers and institutions as well as relevance of the project to Xerox and the commitment of the Xerox employee to monitor progress. The research is oriented toward basic science in a variety of fields, as opposed to next-generation technology related to document processing systems and software - which is the focus of Xerox's five global research and technology centers in the U.S., Canada and Europe. 2011 Xerox Foundation USA
2. CORDONE Roberto Premio alla Persona INFORMS Railway Application Section 2011 INFORMS ITA
3. DAMIANI Ernesto Premio alla Persona IFIP Outstanding Service Award Per la qualitą scientifica del coordinamento di gruppi di lavoro IFIP 2011 IFIP AUT
4. PIURI Vincenzo Premio alla Persona IEEE-HNK 2011 IEEE HKN USA
5. PIURI Vincenzo Premio alla Persona Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Systems Council for biometric technology and applications 2011 IEEE Systems Council ITA
6. RIZZI Alessandro Premio al Prodotto IS&T Best Paper Award Miglior lavoro scientifico dell'anno 2011 Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) USA Kolås Ų, Farup I, Rizzi A (2011). STRESS: A Framework for Spatial Color Algorithms. THE JOURNAL OF IMAGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 55, ISSN: 1062-3701
7. TRUBIAN Marco Premio alla Persona INFORMS Railway Application Section Second Prize in the 2011 Railway Application Problem Solving Competition for their "Excellent solution approach, results and technical report" 2011 INFORMS ITA
8. ZIGNANI Matteo Premio alla Persona PhD Forum Award 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks USA