Parte II: Risultati della ricerca

Sezione D - Produzione scientifica

Sezione E - Internazionalizzazione

Sezione F - Docenti senza produzione scientifica

Sezione G - Bandi competitivi

Sezione H - Responsabilità e riconoscimenti scientifici

N.CognomeNomeTipo PremioNome PremioMotivazioneAnnoEnte AssegnanteNazione EntePubblicazione Premiata
1. SAVARE' Giuseppe Premio al Prodotto SIAM - SIGEST paper The paper was recommended by members of the SIMA editorial board and by Bob Pego (SIMA Editor-in-Chief), and was selected by the SIREV editors for the importance of its contributions and topic, its clear writing style, and its accessibility for the SIAM community. 2011 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). USA Peletier Mark, Savaré Giuseppe, Veneroni Marco (2010). FROM DIFFUSION TO REACTION VIA G-CONVERGENCE. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 42, p. 1805-1825, ISSN: 0036-1410, doi: 10.1137/090781474
2. SAVARE' Giuseppe Premio alla Persona Premio Ennio De Giorgi 2011 Unione Matematica Italiana ITA
3. VENERONI Marco Premio al Prodotto SIAM - SIGEST paper The paper was recommended by members of the SIMA editorial board and by Bob Pego (SIMA Editor-in-Chief), and was selected by the SIREV editors for the importance of its contributions and topic, its clear writing style, and its accessibility for the SIAM community. 2011 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). USA Peletier Mark, Savaré Giuseppe, Veneroni Marco (2010). FROM DIFFUSION TO REACTION VIA G-CONVERGENCE. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, vol. 42, p. 1805-1825, ISSN: 0036-1410, doi: 10.1137/090781474