Parte II: Risultati della ricerca

Sezione D - Produzione scientifica

Sezione E - Internazionalizzazione

Sezione F - Docenti senza produzione scientifica

Sezione G - Bandi competitivi

Sezione H - Responsabilità e riconoscimenti scientifici

N.CognomeNomeDenominazione/Tipo FellowAnno del conferimentoSocietà/Accademia FellowNazione Ente
1. BERETTA Simona Convener, Fetzer Advisory Council for the Social Sciences, Fetzer Institute 2011 Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan USA USA
2. BERETTA Simona Membro ZEI - WAI Project "Sustainable Regional Integration in West Africa and Europe", collaborazione fra ZEI, University of Bonn and WAI, West Africa Institute, Praia, Cabo Verde 2012 ZEI - WAI Project, Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) DEU
3. BERTOLOTTI Mauro Maria Onno Full member 2013 European Association of Social Psychology
4. CARUSO Raul Executive director 2009 Network of European Peace Scientists ITA
5. CATELLANI Patrizia Full member 2012 European Association of Social Psychology GBR
6. CATELLANI Patrizia Fellow 2012 International Society of Political Psychology USA
7. COLOMBO Fausto Membro dell'Executive Board 2012 European Communication Research and Education Association
8. DE LEONARDIS Massimo Vice President 2010 International Commission of Military History ITA
9. MAGATTI Mauro Permanent Research Fellow 2012 University of Notre Dame, Centre for ethics and culture UMI
10. MAGGIONI Mario Agostino Fetzer Advisory Council Member (social sciences council) 2011 Fetzer Institute USA
11. NICOLINI Beatrice 2011, Membro di Historians against Slavery, Searching and Scholarship 2011 Historians against Slavery, Searching and Scholarship UMI
12. PARSI Vittorio Emanuele International Advisory Board CITCEM 2010 CITCEM (Centro de Investigacao Transdiciplinar “Cultura, Espaco, e Memoria” (Universidade do Porto/Univerisdade do Minho). PRT
13. PARSI Vittorio Emanuele membro dell’Advisory Board di LSE IDEAS (Center for Diplomacy and Strategy at the London School of Economics). 2010 LSE IDEAS (Center for Diplomacy and Strategy at the London School of Economics). GBR
14. ZANFRINI Laura Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts 2012 International Organization for Migration (OIM) BEL