Parte II: Risultati della ricerca

Sezione D - Produzione scientifica

Sezione E - Internazionalizzazione

Sezione F - Docenti senza produzione scientifica

Sezione G - Bandi competitivi

Sezione H - Responsabilità e riconoscimenti scientifici

N.CognomeNomeTipo PremioNome PremioMotivazioneAnnoEnte AssegnanteNazione EntePubblicazione Premiata
1. BONETTINI Silvia Premio al Prodotto Inverse Problems Insights 2013 IOP Publishing GBR M. Prato, A. La Camera, S. Bonettini, M. Bertero (2013). A convergent blind deconvolution method for post-adaptive-optics astronomical imaging. INVERSE PROBLEMS, vol. 29, p. 065017- , ISSN: 0266-5611, doi: 10.1088/0266-5611/29/6/065017
2. RIGUZZI Fabrizio Premio al Prodotto Best Paper Award Miglior articolo della conferenza 2013 7th Int. Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2013) DEU F. Riguzzi, E. Lamma, E. Bellodi, R. Zese. (2013). BUNDLE: A reasoner for probabilistic ontologies. In: (a cura di): Wolfgang Faber, Domenico Lembo, Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 7994, p. 183-197, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 9783642396656, ISSN: 0302-9743, Mannheim, Germany, 27-29 July 2013, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39666-3_14
3. TOMASSETTI Luca Premio al Prodotto Measurement Science and Technology Outstanding Paper Award 2013 Award Winner—Optical and Laser-based Techniques Detection of excited level population transfer in an MOT through the measurement of trapped atom number. L Moi1, G Batignani1, A Khanbekyan1, K Khanbekyan1, C Marinelli1, E Mariotti1, L Marmugi1, L Corradi2, A Dainelli2, R Calabrese3, G Mazzocca3, L Tomassetti3 and P Minguzzi4 1CNISM, Physics Department, University of Siena, via Roma 56, 53100 Siena, Italy 2INFN—Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, viale dell'Università 2, 35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy 3University of Ferrara and INFN, via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy 4CNISM, Physics Department, University of Pisa, largo Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy The selected paper [7] applies a direct fluorescence detection scheme to monitor the very low number of trapped atoms, simulating the conditions in a francium magneto-optical trap (MOT). Precise atomic parity nonconservation measurements are inherently difficult due to the fact that extremely weak signals must be detected. By scanning a probe beam across a resonance condition and then detecting the MOT fluorescence, the authors were able to monitor the population transfer from the ground level and the first excited level in the MOT. The significance of this work is that it presents a rapid and flexible method to detect the number of trapped atoms in conditions where very low numbers of these atoms are present. Such high precision measurements are essential in nuclear physics and are fundamental to our understanding of nuclear decay processes. We have selected this article for the Best Paper Award because the measurement technique demonstrated is not only innovative, but also flexible to implement as it is wavelength independent and presents a high signal to noise ratio. The experimental configuration was also extremely well documented in the paper, including a detailed estimate of the detection limits. Data were presented for many different excitation mechanisms to show the wide applicability of the measurement technique. It is expected that this innovative measurement strategy will be seen in successful applications of the study of atomic parity nonconservation in different nuclear particles in the near future. The chairmen would like to thank the authors for choosing to publish their work in Measurement Science and Technology , and hope that other researchers enjoy reading these works and feel encouraged to submit their own best work to the journal. 2013 Institute Of Physics (IOP) Publishing - Measurement Science and Technology GBR L Moi, G Batignani, A Khanbekyan, K Khanbekyan, C Marinelli, E Mariotti, L Marmugi, L Corradi, A Dainelli, R Calabrese, G Mazzocca, L Tomassetti, P Minguzzi (2013). Detection of excited level population transfer in an MOT through the measurement of trapped atom number. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, vol. 24, p. 015201, ISSN: 0957-0233, doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/24/1/015201