Parte II: Risultati della ricerca

Sezione D - Produzione scientifica

Sezione E - Internazionalizzazione

Sezione F - Docenti senza produzione scientifica

Sezione G - Bandi competitivi

Sezione H - Responsabilità e riconoscimenti scientifici

N.CognomeNomeTipo PremioNome PremioMotivazioneAnnoEnte AssegnanteNazione EntePubblicazione Premiata
1. PELESSONI Renato Premio alla Persona Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2013 Elsevier and the Editors of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, want to thank you for your contribution as a peer reviewer. In particular, the Editors have selected you for recognition of your high quality work and would like to award you with a Certificate of Reviewing Excellence. When you take the time to help others publish their papers, you are providing a vital contribution to the progression of science, technology and medicine. We know that reviewing manuscripts is not easy, but your dedication, attention to detail, and professionalism shines through in your work. The advancement of scientific knowledge depends on the contribution of people like you. 2013 Elsevier NLD
2. VICIG Paolo Premio alla Persona Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2013 Elsevier and the Editors of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, want to thank you for your contribution as a peer reviewer. In particular, the Editors have selected you for recognition of your high quality work and would like to award you with a Certificate of Reviewing Excellence. We know that reviewing manuscripts is not easy, but your dedication, attention to detail, and professionalism shines through in your work. As recognition for your assistance, we are presenting you with a digital Certificate of Reviewing Excellence, presented in conjunction with the Editors of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. The advancement of scientific knowledge depends on the contribution of people like you. 2013 Elsevier NLD